Ha ha! You thought you’d only have to endure *one* Versailles post. Well, if my sons have to spend a whole day here, complaining about how many cubic kilometers of art they’re forced to look at, you’ll have to endure another blog entry.
After a quick lunch, we set out to explore the grounds. We visited the Grand Trianon and the Petit Trianon, and then wandered through the little peasant village that Marie Antoinette had built.

After a full day, it was time for our next stop- the nearby LDS Temple to meet some missionaries and Madeline’s mission president. One last look back at Versailles:

It was an honor to meet President And Sister Hansen. Madeline became very close to them when she served as STL (sister training leader) in Paris the last few months of her mission. They made a special visit to the temple to come see Madeline.
2 Responses
I wondered when the boys were going to comment /complain about allll the art and stained glass. Good to see they are normal teen boys!!!
Marie Antoinette: “So THIS is how the little people live!”