We walked to the Place de la Concord and then the Orangerie, where Monet’s massive murals of the water lilies adorn the walls. The peaceful Impressionist paintings invite quiet reflection.

museum of arts and metiers (meters, meaning technology)

We walked to the Place de la Concord and then the Orangerie, where Monet’s massive murals of the water lilies adorn the walls. The peaceful Impressionist paintings invite quiet reflection.
museum of arts and metiers (meters, meaning technology)
3 Responses
I love that Sam is wearing shorts! How has the weather been? Sometimes it looks like you’re just in sweatshirts. And how are the boys handling all the museums?
Ahhh, some technology for the boys! Luv the girls’ matching coats. Looks chilly and you are staying warm!
Seeing you all in winter jackets reminded me of the phrase from The Christmas Song “…and folks all dressed up like Esquimaux.” I have seen a hundred Foucault Pendulums; still don’t fully understand why they work.