Sunday, we took the metro to church at the St Merri ward in Paris, where Madeline served half of her mission. She was greeted fondly and we enjoyed meeting people that we had heard about in her mission emails. After church, sister Ding made us a delicious Chinese luncheon. She loves Madeline and told me “don’t be jealous, she’s my daughter!” The young bishop, his wife, and baby joined us for lunch. They told us how it took them 4 years to get pregnant with their baby. And they found out they were expecting last December, right before Madeline was coming home from her mission. So the bishop privately shared their good news with Madeline. His wife said, “you told Soeur Martin we are pregnant before you told anyone trust in the ward?” He tried, “Yes! I had i tell Sr Martin the good news before she left!” That idk how much they loved her.

/then we walked to Saint Chappelle, a beautiful 13th century church with incredible stained glass windows and carved marble.

we walked down there street you Notre Dame, it use magnificent!

3 Responses
That is absolutely incredible! What an amazing experience!
Looks like you guys are seeing and doing wonderful things! Keep it up! I’m looking forward to seeing ALL the photos and hearing ALL the stories!
Great picture of Madeline and Sister Ding. The Sainte Chapelle is one of the wonders of the world. The brighter the day is outside the more glorious are the colors in the chapel. The wide-angle shot of the Chapel nave is stunning.